Deal maker in the financial market


We offer charts that present a wide range of indicators and drawing tools that can help you analyze trends and anticipate possible market movements. You can customize the view of your chart by selecting: (1) chart type, (2) price type and; (3) time intervals. Use any combination of views, indicators and tools to follow the movements of instruments over time and adapt your trading strategy accordingly.

One of the benefits of dealing with a regulated company is that you know that you are dealing with a trusted and reputable platform in a regulated environment that has strict rules and regulations specifically designed to protect the interest of retail clients.

The time frame for processing a withdrawal request is generally 1-3 business days, in order to allow us to complete various security checks before initiating payment. The time frame for receiving payment depends on the payment method and the third party sender's processing time. The withdrawal screen on the trading platform determines the minimum withdrawal requirements for each type of payment method. Processing a withdrawal request for less than the minimum withdrawal amount may lead to debits from your account.

The overnight funding amount is added to or subtracted from your account as long as a position remains open after a certain cut-off time (the “Night Funding Hour”). The formula used to calculate the overnight funding amount for a position is: Deal size * Open rate * % of daily nightly financing

There are several deposit limitations on your account. These limitations vary depending on the country in which you reside. The maximum deposit amount per transaction is described on the deposit page for each of the available payment methods. In certain circumstances you may find a limit on your deposit for credit reasons, to meet your margin requirements you should consider reducing the total number of your open transactions.

DMG Markets affiliates are licensed and regulated in the jurisdictions in which they operate and comply with all client money rules. Your deposits will be classified as customer money and will be afforded maximum protection in accordance with regulatory requirements. The client's money is preserved in separate trust accounts and is managed in accordance with regulatory requirements. DMG Markets does not use the client's money for hedging or for any other investment or business purposes.